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Beethoven March

Beethoven March


Beethoven March    Grade: 2,5  Total time:

Arranger: Janne Ikonen

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Brilliant orchestration by Janne Ikonen: Mr Ikonen ( b. in 1995, in Lieksa /Finland) graduated as percussionist from the Keski-Suomi College of Music and as Bachelor of Music from the Sibelius Academy where he studied composition under tuition of i.a. Erkki Jokinen. Since 2003 Mr Ikonen has lived and worked in Rantasalmi. He has educated and conducted several orchestras and ensembles, and has worked as a teacher in different schools and institutes. Mr Ikonen has played percussion in various symphony orhestras (e.g. the philharmonic orchestras of Jyväskylä, Oulu, Joensuu and Mikkeli) and in several military bands. He is performing regularly with different ensembles Mr Ikonen had his first composition concert during Lieksa Brass Week in 2003. Most of his works are composed for wind and brass bands. Additionally he has composed i.a. three musicals, chamber music and has made a great number of arrangements for different ensembles.